C++ Certified Associate Programmer
The course fully covers the basics of programming in the “C++” programming language and
presents the fundamental notions and techniques used in object-oriented programming.
It starts with universal basics, not relaying on object concepts and gradually extends to advanced issues
observed in the objective approach.
presents the fundamental notions and techniques used in object-oriented programming.
It starts with universal basics, not relaying on object concepts and gradually extends to advanced issues
observed in the objective approach.
Learning objectives
- To familiarize the trainee with the universal concepts of computer programming.
- To present the syntax and semantics of the “C++” language as well as basic data types offered by the language
- To discuss the principles of the object-oriented model and its implementation in the “C++” language
- To demonstrate the means useful in resolving typical implementation problems with the help of standard “C++” language libraries
Course outline
- Introduction to compiling and software development
- Basic scalar data types, operators, flow control, streamed input/output, conversions
- Declaring, defining and invoking functions
- Strings processing, exceptions handling, dealing with namespaces
- Object-oriented approach and its vocabulary
- Dealing with classes and objects
- Defining overloaded operators
- Introduction to STL
Chapters:Absolute basics
- machine and high-level programming languages, compilation process
- obtaining the machine code: compilation process
- recommended readings
- your first program
- variable – why?
- integers: values, literals, operators
- characters: values, literals, operators
- dealing with streams and basic input/output operations
Flow control and more data types
- how to control the flow of the program?
- floating point types: values, literals, operators
- more integral types: values and literals
- loops and controlling the loop execution
- logic, bitwise and arithmetic operators
- functions: why do you need them?
- declaring and invoking functions
- side effects
- different methods of passing parameters and their purpose
- default parameters
- inline functions
- overloaded functions
Accessing data and dealing with exceptions
- converting values of different types
- strings: declarations, initializations, assignments
- string as the example of an object: introducing methods and properties
- namespaces: using and declaring
- exception handling
Fundamentals of the object-oriented approach
- class: what does it actually mean?
- where do the objects come from?
- class components
- constructors
- referring to objects
- static members
- classes and their friends
- defining and overloading operators
Class hierarchy
- base class, superclass, subclass
- inheritance: how does it work?
- types of inheritance
- inheriting different class components
- multiple inheritance
Classes – continued
- polymorphism: the notion and the purpose
- virtual methods: declaring and using
- inheriting virtual methods
- abstraction and abstract classes
Exceptions – dealing with expected and unexpected problems
- what is an exception?
- catching and throwing exceptions
- different classes and hierarchy of exceptions
- defining your own exceptions
Prerequisite Courses
The “C” programming language course – associate level (suggested)
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