Java Fundamentals for Android Development


Java is one of the most widely used programming languages for developing modern applications.
Therefore, entry level knowledge of Java is essential if you're developing applications for Android systems.
Java Fundamentals for Android Development is an introductory course which focuses on the basics
of Java programming language, its syntax, framework, and paradigm.
This Java for Android training lays emphasis on object-oriented programming concepts and techniques
that are primarily used in the Android SDK (Software Development Kit). It will provide a platform to
developers to gather skills, tools and methods to ensure a strong foundation in Android application
Java Fundamentals for Android Development
1.First Step in JAVA
a.The History of Java
b.How Java Program work?
c.Install Java JDK and JRE.
d.Why did Google choose Java over other programming languages?
e.Android OS Structure
f.Install Android Studio
2.Create and Run Java Projects
a.Create an Android Project (Java Project) using Android Studio.
b.Writing a Java Program
c.Java Methods
d.Running a Java program
e.Java variables and their data type.
3.Control Flow statements
b.IF-ELSE statement
c.IF-ELSE and ELSE-IF statement
d.Switch statement
e.While loop
f.DO-While loop
g.For loop
h.The Break statement
i.The Continue Statement
4.Methods and Arrays
b.Method Structure
c.Call Method by value
d.Call Method by reference
f.Enter Data to Java program
g.Object Oriented Programming concepts
h.Java Class

Course Prerequisites

This course is designed for software developers or anyone interested in building Android applications.
However, computer programming experience in any language is required before taking this course
in order to benefit from it the most.


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