MongoDB using Java
About this course
Learn everything you need to know to get started building a MongoDB-based app. This course will go over
basic installation, JSON, schema design, querying, insertion of data, indexing and working with the Java
driver. In the course, you will build a blogging platform, backed by MongoDB
basic installation, JSON, schema design, querying, insertion of data, indexing and working with the Java
driver. In the course, you will build a blogging platform, backed by MongoDB
After completing this course, you should have a good understanding as to how applications are built on
top of MongoDB using Java. This course should also prepare you to take the C100DEV: MongoDB
Certified Developer, Associate Level exam. Register for next exam session to become a MongoDB
Certified Professional.
top of MongoDB using Java. This course should also prepare you to take the C100DEV: MongoDB
Certified Developer, Associate Level exam. Register for next exam session to become a MongoDB
Certified Professional.
Week 1: Introduction and Overview
Week 2: Creating, Reading and Updating Data (CRUD)
Week 3: Schema Design
Week 4: Performance
Week 5: Aggregation Framework
Week 6: Application Engineering
Week 7: Case Studies
Week 1: Introduction and Overview
Week 2: Creating, Reading and Updating Data (CRUD)
Week 3: Schema Design
Week 4: Performance
Week 5: Aggregation Framework
Week 6: Application Engineering
Week 7: Case Studies
- Duration: 7 weeks
- Each week we release new video lectures and a new assignment.
- Each week requires approximately 3-5 hours of your time, depending on your level of preparation.
- Your final grade for the course will be comprised of weekly assignments which count for half of your
- grade and a final exam/project which counts for the other half of your grade.
- You will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course if you achieve a 65% or above on
- graded material
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