Comprehension Skills or Strategies - The Masked Confusion
What’s the difference between comprehension skills and comprehension strategies? Are they synonyms or do we teach different things when we are teaching them? Comprehension skills and comprehension strategies are very different things. They are often confused; the terms are often used interchangeably by those who don’t understand or appreciate the distinctions they carry. And, most importantly, these concepts energize different kinds of teaching altogether. The older of the two terms is “reading comprehension skills.” It was used occasionally throughout the Twentieth Century, but really took off in a big way in the 1950s. Professional development texts and basal readers were replete with the term and its use burgeoned for a span of three decades before slackening a bit. “Comprehension strategies” were rarely heard of until the 1970s. The term was much in use throughout the 1980s, both because of the extensive strategy research and because those promoting comprehension ...