Tips for the C1 Advanced exam
As the C1 Advanced exam draws nearer, there’s a good chance your students will be feeling quite nervous. After working hard for months and months, it all comes down to a 3 hour 40 minute written exam and a 15 minute oral test. C1 Advanced Reading and Use of English Students have 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete eight sections in this part of the exam. The first four sections test their use of lexico-grammatical usage and the final four test their reading comprehension. Students should plan carefully as it is easy to run out of time in this paper. With 90 minutes total, it’s a good idea to spend about 10 minutes on each section. That will leave them with 10 minutes at the end, which can be used to check answers, fill in any blanks and make sure they’ve completed the answer sheet correctly. Many students start with Part 1, which is multiple choice. However, those worried about not finishing on time should consider starting with sections ...