Expression for Effective Communication Skill and Correct English
Positive Expressions of Correctness:
No Grammatical and Spelling Errors:
Much of the effect (if not all!) of our spoken or written
words is marred by grammatical and spelling
Grammatical and spelling errors can cost us marks in
examinations. They can put our prospective employers off, if present on the CV,
and, at times, even cost us our jobs and relationships!
Such errors communicate the fact or impression that we do
not know the language well enough; or we do not care to check what we are
saying or writing, before delivering the same.
In any case, errors in linguistic expressions are not
skillful communication.
Correct Tone:
The tone has to be correct, whether we speak or write.
While speaking, we need to sound polite and confident. No
matter what we require to say. Raising the voice is not required; even to
express dissatisfaction. There is always a more refined way of expression.
Skillful communication.
While writing, the tone matters a lot, too. A simple
example: Would we address our best friend as ‘Respected Sir/Madam’? This does
not seem to happen too often! Neither do we begin a formal letter with a ‘Hi!’
The tone. This is where it comes into play, in communication. And the tone has
to be conducive to the matter and situation.
Facial Expressions:
We can communicate a lot – intentionally or not - not only
through our body language, but also, specifically, through our facial
A “Please come in!” from a stern-faced host/hostess could
seem anything but welcoming!
Similarly, a “You look great!” said with a smirk would not
really feel like a true compliment; right?
We need to make sure our face expresses our words, too –
right up to our eyes and right down to our smile – or, in some cases – the
absence of it.
There are many more such fine nuances of Communication
Skills – from clothes, to perfumes to many other considerations – that enable
us to express ourselves. We need to ensure we have the wisdom and knowledge to
express ourselves the way we intend to; and not just present ourselves the way
we happen to come across.
We communicate with our entire being: internal, and external. ‘Communication Skill’ is skillful
communication, through the same. What we are within is communicated, often,
through what we present without. The skill is to be correct, inside out. Pun
unavoidable. Here come into play the fine nuances of Communication Skills.
We require as much correctness as possible in our thoughts,
speech, manner and entire demeanor and deportment, to come across as correct
and effective in our communications with others.
Positive, correct thoughts would express themselves in positive,
correct words.
Correct words would naturally be presented in a suitably correct
tone and volume of voice.
The manner would instinctively remain polite and respectful, in
keeping with the positivity of its content.
The demeanor and deportment would be in accordance with the
requirement of the situation - essentially, correct.
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